Is Housing First for You?
If you feel like you continually struggle with homelessness, Housing First might be for you.

Contact any of the
HF Organizations!

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Determine Your Options
Housing First is an opportunity that starts with your very own apartment. This is not a temporary apartment, this is yours! This means you will be a tenant in a building, and get to follow what it means to be a good tenant. Being a good tenant (and not getting evicted) is something you work on with your support team and landlord. Don't worry though, if you have any questions we can help with all this. We'll even help you move in and get your apartment setup!
Housing First also makes a variety of options available to you. Once you are ready, your Housing First worker will listen to you and find out what you think would help. This could be anything from someone to go to Bingo with, how to buy and cook groceries, questions about your apartment, medications, doctors... anything you can think of. Housing First will also help with complicated stuff if you need it, like doctor visits, drug or alcohol treatment, counseling, helping cope with other problems, and dealing with harmful things that may be around you.
At some point you may not want or need any of the options Housing First can provide. That's great, you can graduate from Housing First and your apartment is still yours!
- The program provides access to housing as quickly as possible (hence Housing First); and
- The program does not require treatment and / or sobriety as a prerequisite to housing.
The Housing First model also provides supports for individuals and families to combine housing with supportive services in the areas of mental and physical health, substance abuse, education, and employment training supports.
- Do you reside in Brandon?
- Are you homeless or have you been in the past?
- Do you need a support worker to assist you to find and maintain a home?
If you answered yes to all of the above questions you should contact Housing First (toll free).
Or, just visit one the organizations on this page and they will help you apply.
Entry into the Housing First Program is based on assessed need not first come, first served. Below is the program entry process:
- You can be referred to the program, or you can directly contact 1-844-937-8622, or you can visit an Intake and Assessment Worker at any of the listed organizations to set up an appointment for an initial screening.
- At the initial screening, the worker will ask questions and hear about your situation using a specialized assessment tool to determine your level of need for the service.
- Once your voluntary interview is completed, with your permission, the worker will notify the Housing First coordinators who will determine if you are eligible for the Housing First Program.
- If you are not eligible, the worker will provide information and referrals to other community organizations who may be able to assist you with your current needs.
- If accepted into the Housing First Program, you will meet with your Housing First contact (and others you may want to include, such as a worker from the agency you first visited) who will support you for the duration of the time in the program.
Overview of how Housing First works:
- Once accepted into the Housing First Program, Housing First workers connect with the homeless individual or family
- The workers help the person/family secure appropriate housing by accessing resources in the community
- The individual / family then enter into an agreement with a landlord for housing
- Coordinated supports are provided from a variety of groups to help the individual / family reach self-sufficiency
- The individual / family reach self-reliance and successfully exit the program